I can remember the games that I played as a child and they had so much to do with make believe. I had plenty of toys, but what I remember most about childhood are the hours spent in wonderful make-believe worlds. I have my mother to thank for this, I believe. She brought the great outdoors to life for me with tales of gnomes and fairies. She rescued wounded and sick animals and nursed them back to health, giving them names and adopting them into our family. She kept a watchful eye out for Mr. Squirrel and Hungry the Baltimore Oriole. She accepted my dandelion bouquets with delight and calmly fished the nightcrawlers out of my pants pockets when I would come inside for bed each summer night.

Nowadays when I walk thru our woods, I am reminded of those days by the things I encounter there....such as the little acorn hats and the Sassafrass leaves that she referred to as Gnome Mittens. To this day, the forest is a magical place and I cherish those memories that remain there.