Spring is about the most exciting time of year for me. All winter long I look forward to the hours spent caring for my gardens. Each day brings miraculous changes. As the sun warms the earth, the plants respond by bursting forth into bloom. The colors are so intense...as if in soaking the energy of the sun, they transform it into electric color. This same world that was so cold and sleepy a few short months ago is teeming with life! Insects are fervently rushing about...cramming so much activity into their short life cycles. Bees are busy pollinating. Rabbits, squirrels, and birds are remodelling their homes and tending their young. And I have the pleasure of watching the drama unfold.
As I walk through the garden, embracing each new sign of life, I reach down and pluck each emerging weed; knowing that if I am not vigilant in this matter, the weeds will gain the upper hand and overtake my precious flowers. It's good to be Queen in this tiny garden dominion!