Sunday, May 13, 2007

On Motherhood and letting go........

So many years have passed in my sojourn though Motherhood. I remember each moment... each day...each year. If there was nothing else that I was truly meant to do, I do know that I was meant to be a mother.

Yesterday as I watched my last child unfurl his wings and take that final flight from the nest(college graduation), I felt a deep tearing at my heartstrings...knowing that from that moment forward both of my children would be journeying down their separate paths toward the futures that only they control. Have I taught them everything they need to know to get along successfully in this world? Will they remember all of the lessons I so carefully taught?

In the offchance that my children take the time to read this, it is my desire that they know how much joy they brought to my life. From the first moment of feeling life within me to the present day as I look upon two beautifully grown adults....I have loved each moment and will hold the memories tenderly within my heart for eternity.

Today you wished me a Happy Mother's Day....and I want you to know that my Mother's Days have and will always be happy ones. I will stand in the wings now and proudly watch your futures unfold; but always know, dear children that I am here for you if ever you need me.

Just promise balanced meals, drink moderately, don't smoke, take care of your teeth, drive safely, budget your money, pay your bills on time, save for your future, stay in touch.....and: forgive me; it is so hard to let go.....


mima said...

Beautifully said! happy mothers day! love, Debi

Anne@BackyardTreasures said...

That was so beautiful. I'm sitting hear with tears rolling down my cheeks. Very touching.
