Ages ago when our God the Father and Mother Earth handed our beautiful planet Earth over to us humans, they entrusted us with the care of all of the species of living things beneath our feet. They gave us the amazing gift of free will to use our world to sustain us. But, they also gave us the job of stewardship. I am afraid we have not done such a good job of watching over that which was so lovingly left in our care. I awoke today to the sound of Mother Earth weeping..........
If you read my Farmgirl Ramblings blog, I posted a section entitled "Where have all the bees gone". This addresses the current situation that researchers have called Colony Collapse Disorder. For some unknown reason, bee colonies all over the world are disappearing. This is potentially catastrophic to our world and to ourselves. 80% of the world's agriculture is dependant upon bee pollination. In other words....no bees...no plants. No plants...no world. This may seem oversimplified, but it is an illustration of just how critical this problem is!
As I was enjoying the honey in my tea this morning, a news segment aired saying that a German study has early evidence showing that cell phones may be the cause of our honey bees' demise. If that is the case, the problem is huge...and very scary. In light of how the present Bush Administration has handled the evidence that global warming is a major threat to our planet (by denying its very existence), I am afraid that if cell phones in fact are the cause of this current dilemna, again nothing will be done to correct this potentially devastating situation.
We can no longer allow our politicians who have sold their souls to large, powerful corporations to destroy our world. And we can no longer sit by our televisions and watch complacently as countless species disappear forever. With each disappearance, Mother Earth grows weaker. We are failing her....we are failing each other...we are failing ourselves. How scarey does it need to become before we can convince the individuals who enact policy that changes are needed? At what point will it be too late?
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